The impact of leadership strategies in enhancing product creativity: an exploratory study in the General Company for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies/Samarra



  • Akram A. Altaweel College of Administration and Economics, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Fatimah B. Fadhil College of Administration and Economics, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Ahmed A. Ahmad Baghdad Health Directorate / Rusafa, Baghdad, Iraq

The current research aims to determine the correlation and influence between entrepreneurial strategies and enhancing product innovation in the General Company for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies in Samarra. Entrepreneurship strategies are among the important strategies for any organization and have a prominent role in reaching the goals that the organization seeks to achieve,Among them is the goal of enhancing product creativity. Due to the limited studies that included the influential relationship between these variables in general and in the Iraqi environment in particular, the researchers sought to include in their current study these dimensions and their variables within a comprehensive framework in an attempt to study the relationship and influence between them. In general, this study attempts to answer the following question: What is the nature of the correlations and influence between entrepreneurial strategies and enhancing product creativity in the General Company for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies in Samarra?To answer this question, a hypothetical chart was prepared that reflects the relationships of correlation and influence between the research variables. Specific hypotheses were formulated that were tested and verified. The descriptive and analytical approaches were used to complete the research, in addition to adopting a questionnaire form according to a five-point Likert scale as a main tool for collecting data and related informationSearch


leadership strategies, product innovation

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Altaweel, A. A. ., Fadhil, F. B. ., & Ahmad, A. A. . (2024). The impact of leadership strategies in enhancing product creativity: an exploratory study in the General Company for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies/Samarra. Journal Port Science Research, 7(issue), .38–56.


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