Psychological Impact Processing in Television Advertising
The television advertising industry is one of the critical audio-visual endeavors that require brevity, condensation, and reduction, which affect the idea, image, and sound. It necessitates accuracy, coordination, and organization in selecting the idea first and then the treatment that relies on the directing style. This begins with the choices of shot size, duration, and movement, in harmony with the story or theme of the advertisement, with an expressive ability that appeals to the audience's taste, promotes effectively, and publicizes. Additionally, the director's choices of significant and impactful filming locations, skilled performers, precise editing aware of time, transitions, rhythm, and the composition of the work are essential. An advertisement maker must consider the time frame within which the advertisement breathes and identify the level of impact this frame leaves on the audience. They must employ techniques to manage the psychological impact that mimics the senses, feelings, perceptions, and reactions along with the dramatic time and the understanding of the nuances of real-time. The prevailing psychological state in the advertising script significantly influences the form and content used by the director in creating the advertisement, ensuring the desired effect on the audience, and capturing their strong inclinations and desires to acquire the advertised product or material.
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- Published: 2024-06-05
- Issue: Vol. 7 No. issue (2024): proceeding of the first international scientific uruk conference 6-7 march 2024, Baghdad, Iraq
- Section: Articles