Classifying Anemia Diseases based on VGG-16 and CBAM Attention Mechanism Models
Anemia is a major public health concern and has a significant impact on women and children worldwide. This condition is caused by a lack of sufficient Red Blood Cells (RBCs). Traditionally, anemia diagnosis has relied on invasive techniques that require blood samples, leading to pain and discomfort. This study explores deep learning techniques for automating and enhancing anemia detection accuracy using the Blood Cell Count and Detection (BCCD) dataset. We employ the VGG16 convolutional neural network architecture augmented with the Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) to boost feature representation and performance. The BCCD dataset, consisting of 364 images with 4888 labeled blood cells, was used for training and evaluation. Our enhanced VGG16 model achieved accuracy for RBCs, WBCs, and platelets with values of 0.84, 0.93, and 0.92, respectively, effectively identifying various blood cell types and detecting anemia. Precision-recall analysis and confusion matrix metrics confirmed the robustness of the model, with high precision and recall rates and minimal false positives and negatives. These results suggest that advanced deep learning models with attention mechanisms, such as CBAM, can significantly improve medical diagnostics by providing reliable, efficient, and accurate early disease detection tools. Future development will be directed towards fine-tuning and validating the proposed model on other medical imaging datasets for clinical applications.
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